Undergraduate Research Symposium
University Center : Third Floor, Ballroom
Date & Time
October 14, 2017, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
This Symposium seeks to display the diverse array of student-committed endeavors and foster the communication of their relevant novel results and concepts. The event exclusively features undergraduate research in all areas of chemistry, biology, and biochemistry with the understanding that progress at the chemical and biological interface requires cross-fertilization from the broadest possible spectrum of these disciplines.
The Symposium invites mentor-approved contributions from undergraduates investigating any aspect of chemistry, biology, and biochemistry. These advances will be disseminated in a daylong event. In 2016, the event featured 286 student contributions and welcomed more than 550 beginning scientists, mentors, and other guests. The event features two poster sessions. Posters are judged by panels of participating mentors and other qualified attendees. Judges rank first and second place posters in each category with non-financial awards presented at the event’s end.
The event is free, but registration is required. Light-fare refreshments and lunch are provided. Faculty mentors and qualified attendees are encouraged to support this exceptional undergraduate experience by volunteering to serve as poster session judges.